Phil Gyford has done a wonderful thing

He’s stretched the weblog model to accommodate a day-at-a-time presentation of an 1893 edition of Pepys’ diary. There’ll be a new beautifully annotated and cross-referenced entry every day and there’s enough background information and context to keep anybody interested in Pepys, London or the period happy. It’s a brilliant application of Movable Type and really does illuminate the text – readers can further annotate the text by adding comments. I hope the historians and biographers are paying attention – this is a twist on conventional historiography that could change the rules completely. Phil writes about the project at his own weblog. β€œI’m looking forward to reading it myself, and I thought this would be a good way to have lots of people read it with me” he says, disarmingly.

Normal service will be resumed…

The general weirdness and flakiness of Blogger lately (look at my lovely links!) has pushed me over the edge. I’m going to import the whole lot to Movable Type later today. Using the special temporary blogger template the MT people provide for this purpose I don’t even need to set up an RSS feed (thanks to Robin for the research). I don’t want to speak too soon but this could easily be my last day as a user.

and another thing…

What’s happened to all my links? All my lovely links over there on the right have stopped working (likewise the stylesheet for that bit of the page?). Blogger seems to have thrown away every single URL from my laboriously-entered anchor tags. I think this is the last straw. Movable Type here I come. It can’t be an OSX.2 thing can it? Or a Mozilla 1.0 thing (I just switched over from Explorer. Everybody going on about tabbed browsing was driving me mad)?