Here’s a list of geeky books I’ve currently got for sale over at Go on. Buy some. They’re all brand new and every single one is cheaper than you’ll get it anywhere else – sometimes four or five pounds less than I’ve highlighted the ones I think are really good in bold (that doesn’t mean I understand them).
- Treo Fan Book
- PowerBook Fan Book
- Xbox Fan Book
- IPod Fan Book
- IBook Fan Book
- Richard Thieme’s Islands in the Clickstream
- Word Hacks
- Managing Projects with GNU Make
- XML Hacks
- Cisco Routers for the Desperate
- Sendmail 8.13 Companion
- Gaming Hacks
- Windows XP Power Hound
- Oracle Applications Server 10g Essentials
- Flash Out of the Box
- Cyber Adversary Characterization: Auditing the Hacker Mind
- Zero-Day Exploit: Countdown to Darkness
- ASP.NET Cookbook
- Game Console Hacking: Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, Game Boy, Atari, and Sega…
- Java Network Programming
- The SPAM Cartel: Why Spammers Spam
- Adobe Encore DVD: In the Studio
- SELinux
- Build Your Own Database Driven Website Using PHP and MySQL
- Programmer’s Ultimate Security Deskref
- DVD Studio Pro 3: In the Studio
- Head First Servlets and JSP
You can also get an up-to-date list of things I’m selling here any time (I think).
I’ve got your copy of Baudrillard’s Simulations (the Semiotexte one) at home. Do you want to buy it back off me on Amazon?
That’s a reasonable question, Paul. Go ahead. Meanwhile, since you can sell all sorts of things through amazon these days, I’ll be putting that lawn mower you lent me up a bit later on.