Wanted: PHP5 or Rails coder for eBay widget

Could you code a clean, usable web widget using the eBay API.

Required functionality

• The widget will display a user’s eBay items for sale (and possibly some other stuff) on their blog or homepage, using a script tag that renders the widget’s content.

• Users will add the widget to their pages using Snipperoo’s neat widget management system.

• The widget will fetch the data it needs via the eBay API.

• We want you to write both the client-side javascript responsible for displaying the items, and the server-side code that communicates with the eBay API and that is ultimately responsible for the content shown via the script tag.

• The server-side code can be either PHP5 or Rails. Snipperoo will host this code.

• We expect this development to take 2 or 3 days.

• eBay don’t have a widget that displays items for sale at the moment but they’ve asked us to build this and make it available to the world as an experiment.

Drop me a line (steve@snipperoo.com) if you’d like to have a go. Please let me know your price for the job.

About Snipperoo

Snipperoo makes managing the widgets in your sidebar easy and efficient. We aim to eliminate cut-and-paste entirely for bloggers who want to add content and features to their web sites, make it easier for widget creators to distribute their product and help site hosts and blogging companies by offering their users lots of funky add-ons.

Snipperoo‘s invitation-only beta test is under way now. Keep up with the news at the Snipperoo blog.