By the way…

image ? Inspiras Photography
Postman’s Park in the City is a reminder of London’s continuing power to surprise. A 50ft long ceramic tile memorial in a quiet park buried amongst the commercial buildings – established in Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee year 1887 – to ordinary people who gave their lives to save others. That London had (and still has) the energy and invention to produce such beautiful and moving diversions from the daily grind makes me happy.
(thanks to Inspiras Photography for the the image).


  1. I read your recent Guardian article about weblogs and I thought it was spot on. One area you didn’t really touch upon is the connection between weblogs and the anti-war movement. The whole concept of blogging is giving ordinary people a voice like never before and I have this funny feeling they’ll prove to be a significant force in the future. Anyway that’s just my 10 cents worth.

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