1. Forgive me for being critical – but although I enjoyed the audio/visual experience of this music video – and I would agree that it extols many artistic virtues – I wouldn’t be to sure about it “standing out” from the crowd of this sort of genre. Sure – it stands out from the crowd of the crap that we normally get from mainstream MTV audio/video – but the first thing I thought of when I viewed this is:

    * Smatterings of Credence Clearwater Revival in the tone of some of the lyrical content. And dare I say it – even smatterings of Britney Spears “telephone tone of voice”
    * Smatterings of Peter Gabriel “So” (Sledgehammer) video innovation.
    * A kind of “firestarter” cum “Jamiroquai” sort of underground imagery – albeit NYC and lots of girder-iron and subway – but nevertheless – didn’t strike me as being outragously original.

    However, I would have to say that is absolutely brilliant! But I wouldn’t place it in the same “league” as some Pink Floyd, Dire Straits and Duran Duran audio/visual combinations.

    Hope no offence caused!

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