London’s economic strength

The Statesman last week has a pullout transcript of a round table discussion on the topic of ‘London’s economic strength’. There’s a PDF version here. The participants include Ed Balls, Chief Economic Adviser to The Treasury, Anne Seex, Chief Executive of Norwich City Council and various academics, agency heads and policy types. In the chair is David Walker whose Analysis programme I blogged yesterday.

New York decides

I don’t want to gush but I’m really thrilled for NYC (and for the rest of us emotional New Yorkers) that the City settled on Libeskind’s replacement for the Twin Towers. A perfectly measured memorial to the lost as well as a thrilling and contemporary reworking of the skyscraper myth for the 21st Century. Brilliant. I want to be in the long queue to ride the lift to the viewing deck on opening day. Thanks to Demos for the link to this visualisation from the NY Times. Click on ‘Envisioning Downtown’ once you’ve read the article.

By the way…

image ? Inspiras Photography
Postman’s Park in the City is a reminder of London’s continuing power to surprise. A 50ft long ceramic tile memorial in a quiet park buried amongst the commercial buildings – established in Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee year 1887 – to ordinary people who gave their lives to save others. That London had (and still has) the energy and invention to produce such beautiful and moving diversions from the daily grind makes me happy.
(thanks to Inspiras Photography for the the image).